Wednesday, February 27, 2008

We all Enter a World of Clashing Colors

Indecision, I really don't like feeling that. Yet I usually do, especially when it comes to what I want to do, be, and what impact I leave on this world. Everything just fogs up, because everyone is trying be heard and fight for all these different causes. And everyone is competing to be the loudest, or the biggest, or have the focus on them or their cause. So here I am getting ready to step out into the world, and the second I open my mind, I'm bombarded with all these things, and options. All of which are complicated, with two sides to them and neither completely good or bad. The world seems to be a thousand shades of gray, with thousands of more colors all mixed together, with diffrent interpretations by every single person on this planet. So stepping out into the world with contradicting advice, and conflicting directions, It's pretty daunting. If I want to find what type of person I want to be, the views I should believe in, whats worth putting my heart into, how I want the world to see me, and how I should see the world, where do I turn? How do I know for sure who's right and who's wrong?, if it's different in everyone's eyes. In a mixed, messed up, completely amazing, and totally astonashing world, how am I suppose to make sense of anything? Sure I can take one thing at a time, and everything as it comes. But then I may be too late to help or everything may come at once. Confusion, doubt, and Indecision seem to come hand in hand in growing up. Since I doubt even a 251 year old person will answer any of the questions in here, I will bid you ado, and Good Luck to everyone on make sense of this world. L8r.

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