Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Don't Blame The Baby

I hate when people use the excuse "It's my body I can do what I want with it" in defense of abortion. That is the worst excuse I have ever heard. The women arn't the ones paying for it. The babies are. They are getting their chance at life stolen from them just because irresponsible people are sleeping around unprotected. It isn't the baby's fault that they were born to parents who neither wanted them, or were ready for them. In my opinion if they are pregnant, and don't want the baby, carry to full term, or find someone who will, then give the baby to a family who actually wants a baby. Their are many other solutions to unwanted pregnancies. Abortion is just the easiest and cruelest way out. Just because someone screwed up, doesn't mean the child is a screw up, they are NOT mistakes, the only mistake was who their parents were. Abortion is just another means of murder, to a complete innocent, who wasn't even given a chance to live.

1 comment:

SWA said...

wow watch juno, it deals with all of the above