Thursday, August 21, 2008


I know the difference between fantasy and reality.

Fantasy can be anything. A dream or a nightmare. It can defy every law, spun into existence in an instant. Told, and read, and written, dreamed and woven and watched. It is formed by thought. The most unlimited thing there is. Fantasy can be anything and everything, it can have all, nothing, or just some. Fantasy is fiction. There is no boundary to its reach.

Reality has no backround music. It's not something we can run or hide from. Nor something we have entire control of. It's not our posession, not something in which we have reign. It can't be picked back up or dropped off when ever we wish. We have no choice of being apart of reality. We exist in it no matter what. It has no end. Though it is built off them, as well as beginings and limitations. Reality is fact. With only one way to take in.

Reality is lived.

Fantasy is not.
I know this.
It just hasn't sunk in to my subconscious yet.

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