Friday, November 20, 2009

Kind of an Update.

Watching My Sister's Keeper with my family trying not to cry...

This entire week has been kind of off and crazy. And not just me apparently it's been a bit of an off week for a lot of people...

Awww, the movie is so sweet...

Ok, back to what I was's been a weird week.
I'm so glad that it's over. I can't wait till holiday break rolls around which should be next week I think, it's not much of a relaxing break, but it's a break for my head...kinda. No more headaches from thinking constantly about work. Just a little work...

No, I'm gonna start crying...

Ok, I'm cutting this short, I really can't get into writing mode when I'm watching a movie. L8r.


Jillian said...

Oh, I want to see that movie!
Was it good?

Unknown said...

last week was crazy for you?
no, it was this week for me..haha

Unknown said...

oh, and as for your comment.

well, it is an old address...and what could happen if it was current? thanks anyways

as for the spam, yes, haha, i saw it