Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving. :)

If I get my hands on mother nature, I'll strangle her.

The one day I walk out of the house without a jacket, and she decides to make it pour. I was freezing all day. Thanks a lot Mother Nature.
So now that I've done my bit of griping, here's something else;
I love this holiday, it really is more than just a sit down dinner. It's a chance to see family, and really be thankful. Instead of just getting and wanting more, we're remembering how lucky we are for the things we already have.
I find it irritating that people here, treat Black Friday like the holiday, than they do thanksgiving. At least around here they do, I wish I was going back to my hometown, most teens didn't even know what Black Friday was. They actually looked forward to spending times with their families on Thanksgiving day. I miss that.
Anyways, have a great Thanksgiving Day. :0

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