Saturday, September 13, 2008

Generation Remake

Can't my generation come up with anything original? It's like everywhere I turn we've only tweaked older things and put a price tag on it. Maybe I'm just writing this because I'm tired and most likely cranky, I mean there's other ways to put it. We aim for improving, We know how to put our own spin on things, or something along those lines. Yeah...Well night, maybe I'll see things clearer or at least better in the morning. L8r.


Unknown said...

Thats so true, our generation is soo...
Everything gets a price tag! Pssh. -Nataly

Glass Mannequin said...

I think that that's not true. I mean, "alternative" is a name we give to music that doesn't have one of the 80's blanket names, like, rock, pop, blues, jazz or any of those other names.

I mean, can you imagine a scream-o band ever being popular in the fifties?

I'll admit, style comes and goes in fads. It has for centuries, but music is always new.


Lanae Hausen said...

How true. People may think its a new and creative idea, and it may be more popular now than it was then. I mean. the 'inventors' took the basic idea, and made it in thier own image. It only became more popular because that new 'inventor' had better publicity...

And there I go rambling again.

Have a nice day. Good luck Blogging.