Women are crazy. period.
And this is the precise reason I don't want to grow up. I've known this since I was four. And my mother as well as the rest of my family, prove this right all the time. I mean sure we're smart, and beautiful, and can do a lot.
But a pissed off women can be one of the scariest things on earth.
It's like adding anger management students to psychos.
When I say women can be anything and everything, I mean it. That includes the good and the bad. How do I know this? Well simple; a) at least 95% of my family are females and b) I'm becoming a women. (And let me tell you it's no easy task staying level headed, these hormones are like moody drugs)
There are many times that I stop and wonder how most guys survive their wives, daughters, girlfriends, sisters..etc. We're a lot to handle (my mother's and sister's 40 min. rants during which, she becomes deaf and unreasonable, prove me right).
Like the saying goes...
hell hath no fury like a women's scorn
How do men survive? Well of course you cannot answer that simple question. For me, surviving sounds like torture in your words.
How do we survive:
-We talk to our friends
-We play games
-we talk about our girlfriends (maybe boyfriuends if you are gay)
Those help answer your question. Now of course i wouldn't know about "The Female Hormones!" But i have to say, the female side of the story seems 10 times worse than the male side.
Nice post. Too bad you can't do: "Men" for a post.
Maybe if you get with your boyfriend or a griend that is a boy. Ask them to write it.
Chat to you later!
sorry about my spelling errors!
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