Sunday, November 30, 2008

Tahoe is gorgeous...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving. :)

If I get my hands on mother nature, I'll strangle her.

The one day I walk out of the house without a jacket, and she decides to make it pour. I was freezing all day. Thanks a lot Mother Nature.
So now that I've done my bit of griping, here's something else;
I love this holiday, it really is more than just a sit down dinner. It's a chance to see family, and really be thankful. Instead of just getting and wanting more, we're remembering how lucky we are for the things we already have.
I find it irritating that people here, treat Black Friday like the holiday, than they do thanksgiving. At least around here they do, I wish I was going back to my hometown, most teens didn't even know what Black Friday was. They actually looked forward to spending times with their families on Thanksgiving day. I miss that.
Anyways, have a great Thanksgiving Day. :0

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Women are crazy. period.
And this is the precise reason I don't want to grow up. I've known this since I was four. And my mother as well as the rest of my family, prove this right all the time. I mean sure we're smart, and beautiful, and can do a lot.
But a pissed off women can be one of the scariest things on earth.

It's like adding anger management students to psychos.

When I say women can be anything and everything, I mean it. That includes the good and the bad. How do I know this? Well simple; a) at least 95% of my family are females and b) I'm becoming a women. (And let me tell you it's no easy task staying level headed, these hormones are like moody drugs)
There are many times that I stop and wonder how most guys survive their wives, daughters, girlfriends, sisters..etc. We're a lot to handle (my mother's and sister's 40 min. rants during which, she becomes deaf and unreasonable, prove me right).
Like the saying goes...
hell hath no fury like a women's scorn

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Obama won. America, now has a black president. Wow. This is awesome. I still haven't quiet wrapped my mind around this. And I just got over my speechlessness. Again, Wow.
Everybody, if we thought things were changing fast, I get the feeling it's going to get a whole lot faster.
Get ready everybody.
People are ready for change.
And we're going to get it.
Ok, now coming back down to earth for a moment (at least as close to it as I can). What I find a little funny, is the fact that no matter how much the world may change, life goes on...
Change is here everyone, I hope we're all ready. ;)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Pause the music, and take a second to watch this. It's worth it. Don't forget to vote.

Saturday, November 1, 2008


Everthing seems a little surreal today. A little pain wouldn't go amiss. However, I fear that would seem a bit surreal as well.