*Sigh* ok I really am not sure if I should say this or not, but it was to freaky for me not to. Besides I really need to vent. Last night everybody at my house was either really cranky or in pain. I was a bit of both. So being cranky my patience wasn't very strong and my anger just grew and grew until I needed to get out. I was so angry I feared I might hurt somone. So though it was late, and dark outside I went for a run around the block. by myself. Which I know is one of my stupider ideas, but I really needed to get away from everybody. So I grabbed myself a jacket and slipped on my tennis shoes and took off. But before I was even a house away from mine. I got this really bad feeling, that somone was behind me. And though I looked all around me, I was the only one out, no one was even looking outside a window. So I tried to shake it off and began to run. Well the longer I was out and the farther I got from my house the worse the feeling got. I searched all around me several times, but absolutly nothing was there. So I ran some more but the feeling got worse. It swear I felt like something was behind me and just waiting to attack me. Though outwardly I was staying calm, in my head I was ready to scream. Then I saw some people up ahead, walking their dogs, but I stil didn't get a bad feeling from them. Though their dogs went beserk when they saw me and were barking like crazy. But they passed me by even taking somewhat wide circles around me. They passed and I didn't see them again. but as I got a way from them the feeling only got worse, the feeling just continued to rise, so when I was just around the corner from my house, I tried to call my parents to have them meet me outside incase it wasn't just a bad feeling. but my phone kept going out and by the time I was able to call I was already in our drive way. The first thing I did was come in tell them I was fine and rush to my room. There I curled up into a feedle position and tried to stop myself from crying and shaking. It really freaked me out. The weirdest part is usually I can shake something like that but I couldn't this time the feeling was so strong. And no I wasn't just playing tricks on myself because I've done this before, and I felt nothing but calm so this time was weird, besides my neighborhood is really safe. Well Ihope everyone else had a better friday night. L8r.
1 comment:
I get that sometimes too, I hate it. Our house is in a pretty good neighborhood, but it's surrounded by some pretty terrifying ones and we get graffiti and scary homeless cart-pushers from time to time.
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