Saturday, April 24, 2010

Count me Out.

I'm so glad, I left my hometown. Everyone here, thinks being cool and being messed up is synonymous. I hate it. Almost everyone I grew up with drinks, parties, and does drugs. I am so glad I walked away from here. And every time I ask them why they do it. They give me the same stupid excuse. "Everyone does it." and then they laugh and look at me like I'm the crazy one. I'm sorry but if that's what being a teenager is then, count me out, I just want to get these years over with, so I can really start living my life.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Puzzle Piece Problems.

The world's problems are like puzzle pieces, everyone of the are connected, and in the middle of the problems is the gap for the solution, the key isn't in seperating the problems, for it can't be done, the trick is finding the solution that fits.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Break meet Books.

So? What do you think? I'm trying out blogger in draft's new change the template editor, or whatever it's called. I'm currently on spring break and trying to keep myself entertained. Besides screwing with my blog's background, I have found three books that are turning out to be even better than I thought.

Heist Society: This book has become one of my favorites, I love the characters and plot, I picked it up and could put it down until I had devoured every last word.

Eyes like stars: I'm still working on this book, and though it doesn't completely have me enthralled, I keep wondering back to it. The storyline is fast paced enough, and the characters are amusingly familiar and interesting, to say the least. The way the setting is described makes it a little hard to get my bearings, but the plot keeps me guessing what will happen next. I'm curious to see how this story will turn out.

Two Way Street: I sadly don't quiet have my hands on yet, but oddly enough I can't wait to read it.
So far so good, now to find the motivation to do homework...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Postponed Farewell.

So. I've decided to keep this blog up. No farewells just yet. I really want to improve in my writing abilities, and the best way I know of to do that is to keep writing. A blog is a really good way to continue to doing so. This blog will follow the title more closely, with little to no explanations from now on. Mostly because I am tired of making posts entirely from excuses and introductions, and partially because this blog will be my sounding board for anything and everything that I desired to share. However my blogging shall be as infrequent as ever, because school is a higher priority which demands far more time and attention than I wish it to, meaning my blogging may continue to be monthly at best. Sorry, to all of those who've had to endure indecisiveness. I hope you won't be as disappointed anymore. Later.