Saturday, March 13, 2010


My Dashboard has 5, undeleted, blogs on it and I don't know why.
No that's a lie. I do know why. I have become to lazy and busy to even remove those. It just seems that more and more these days, I can't bring myself to blog, I am either tired, haven't a clue as to what to say, or have nothing I wish to share. So I am starting to heavily consider just removing and deleting my blogs entirely (I am not a fan of leaving behind many traces). I am seriously considering the permanently diminishing my blogging identity to small but limited profile, with the occasional comment on blogs I continue to read, and that's it. So to everyone who still reads this blog, (if anyone does at all, still) consider this a fair warning, and a pre-farewell.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Two Sides and the Truth.

There are two sides to every story.
Somewhere in the middle lies the truth.

Recently I was looking at the Mahmoody stories. Both of them. Not too intensely, because well, spare time for me is lately sparse, but though I may not fully understand what was going on between the two countries at the time, and know one really knows what truly went on between Betty and Dr. Mahmoody. I would like to know one thing, what was Mahtob's opinion in all this. And how many of her memories were colored by her mother's fear and anger. She was five at the time. An extremely impressionable age.
Betty wanted to leave and take her daughter with her, she didn't want to live her life without her. Which is more than understandable. What isn't is why anyone would think that Dr. Mahmoody would want to live his life without his daughter in it?
Against my better judgement I am posting this. and would like to hear your thoughts.